Wednesday, November 13, 2013

JNGEC-Structural Analysis - II- Question Paper

Following are the questions asked as the HPU-Shimla syllabus for Engineering courses for the internal session exams in the semester August - December 2013 at Jawahar Lal Engineering College of Engineering - Himachal Pradesh

5th Semester –Civil Engineering              Date:30-09-2011
Time: 02 Hrs.                                                                       Course Code: CE-5001
  Max Marks: 50                                                                  Course Title: Structural Analysis-II
Q.1 A uniformly distributed load of 1kN per metre run, 6m long crosses a girder of 16m span. Construct the maximum S.F. and B.M. diagrams and calculate the values at section 3m, 5m and 8m from the left hand support.                                                                                   (20 Marks)

Q.2 Two concentrated rolling loads of 12 and 6kN, placed 4.5m apart, travel along a freely supported girder of 16m span. Sketch the graphs of maximum shearing force and maximum bending moment and indicate the position and magnitude of the greater value.                         (20 Marks)

Q.3 What is an influence line diagram? Two wheel loads of 16 and 8kN, at a fixed distance apart of 2m, cross a beam of 10m span. Draw the influence line diagram for bending moment and shear force for a given point 4m from the left abutment, and find out maximum bending moment and shear force at that point.                                                                               (2+ 8 Marks)

5th Semester –Civil Engineering                                    Date :01-11-2013
Time: 02 Hrs.                                                                       Course Code: CE-5001
Max Marks: 50                                                                  Course Title: Structural Analysis-II
Q.1  Give introduction:
            (1) Kani’s method
             (2) Matrix Method
                                                                    (5*2 Marks)

(1)  Draw the bending moment diagram and deflected shape of the frame shown using Kani’s Method.                                          (20 Marks)

(2)  Using force method, analyse the continuous beam shown in figure treating the support reaction at C as the redundant. Hence calculate the support reaction at B.  

(20 Marks)

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